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I Am My Spirit

Writer's picture: Anastacia MongelluzzoAnastacia Mongelluzzo

Updated: Mar 29, 2022

2020's role in my evolution actually started in 2019 when the call of my destiny became more and more impatient with my clever ego thwarting its calls. In the following story I will share with you my defining moments of transformation, that brought me to my soul's purpose –

coaching people like you on exactly what to do to to access your innate spiritual power, connect to your higher self and discover who you truly are at the core so you can live a life of purposeful joy.

Since 2OO1 I’ve successfully owned and operated a massage, energy work, and coaching business. I poured my heart and soul into my work. I’ve always loved helping people, but it dawned on me that I was pushing myself so hard that I was not honoring my own needs, both mentally and physically. I had two beautiful children and a husband whom I rarely saw, let alone spent quality time with. Yikes! I had put forth so much effort to effectively run my business and make everyone else happy that I completely neglected to see the other areas of my life that desperately needed attention. I decided it was time to make a change.

In September of 2O19 I cultivated the courage to take a stand for myself. I began to use my voice to ask for what I wanted, I put up stronger boundaries, and I no longer worked evenings so I could spend more time with my family. I finally felt like I had created balance in my life and I was on the right path!, as always, had other plans...

Six months later, Covid hit. I ran a brick and mortar business, who’s entire model was centered around touching people. One by one all appointments were cancelled. Almost immediately the business unceremoniously collapsed and shut down. I was devastated. For weeks, I sat at home crying not knowing what to do and feeling like a complete failure. Waves of intense sadness washed over me as I slowly came to terms with the fact that I could no longer support my family. I felt like an utter failure. Everything I created seemed to be for nothing. In the pit of my stomach I felt impending doom as I wondered “what else am I going to lose?”

Being a healer, I knew it was time to put my own work to practice. Never before had I been able to focus so much time on myself. Ironically, I had always been too busy healing and helping others. As desperate and awful as I felt, I was still tuned into my intuition enough to realize this was an opportunity for my own spiritual development. I dove in head first. I read book after book and felt a strong calling to do a 3O day meditation practice. After some time, I connected with my inner being and heard Spirit tell me to “let go” of everything I had once created. I wasn’t entirely sure where this “letting go” would lead me, but I also felt a deep sense of knowing that after 3O days I would have my answer.

Through this inner work I discovered that all of my actions up to this point were based in fear and scarcity. The entire business I had created was built with fear of losing everything as opposed to being built with a mindset of abundance. No wonder, it didn’t last!

After the full 3O days of meditation, I was finally able to fully let go emotionally. I let go of the past, the business and all the failure and disappointment surrounding it. In this time, I learned to be patient and trust again. Almost immediately synchronicities began lining up and I was led to create an entirely new online program that can survive any pandemic. Along the way, I’ve also received the most extraordinary confirmations that I am moving in the right direction! For the first time in my life, I have the most overwhelming, incredible sensation of love and connection to my purpose!

I learned to take responsibility for myself and my life like never before. I healed wounds that felt like they were such a part of me that they could never actually heal. I became a woman that knows who she really is, and has the strength, and wisdom to create powerfully with sovereign borders.

My spirit reminded me of my strength and how the challenges in my life have always come so that I could over come and be more than I was. This time was the grandest of them all and it stretched my abilities to help others (which is my vocation) in a way I have never quite experienced before.

Now, I teach my clients to do the same. I watch them heal relationships, reverse patterns of codependency, enablement, powerlessness, overcome trauma, disease, loss, and wounds they received as a child. I have lived my dreams of learning how to un manifest what I don’t want and manifest what I do want. I removed what was preventing me and liberated myself. I am learning how to wield my power as a solid, gentle, and caring woman, living a passionate life where I decide what’s best for me. I practice my passions of writing, coaching, and creating anything I desire.

Here is to the process of growth, life and all it has to offer, and accessing our unlimited human potential!

Thank you for reading!

All my love,




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